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A blog about web and IT. Sharing things I use at work.

How to Add Facebook's New "Like" Button to Blogger

Posted by Mr.Editor Thursday, April 22, 2010 7 comments

Facebook just lunched the "Like" button to be used in any page. To have it in your Blogger blog, do the following steps:

  1. First, do a backup of your blogger template (see it here: Template actions: download, backup, edit and restore) .
  2. Then edit your template and find the following text in the XML code:
    Tip: if you can't find it, try to search data:post.body until there is something similar and that ends with />

  3. Place the following code after that line:
    <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&amp;layout=standard&amp;show-faces=true&amp;width=530&amp;height=60&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:530px; height:60px'/>


    Changing the Like' button to 'Recommend'
    If you prefer that your button says "Recommend" instead of "Like", it is just necessary to change the code of point 3: just change the action=like to say action=recommend. The following code does that:

    <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&amp;layout=standard&amp;show-faces=true&amp;width=530&amp;height=60&amp;action=recommend&amp;colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:530px; height:60px'/>


  4. Save the template and that's it.

There are other ways of doing this but the one recommended by Facebook (see here) won't work because it gives an Blogger gives an error when the template is being saved.  Also, the approach given  by Facebook won't allow individual "Likes" for each post (only for the whole blog).

Finally, If you prefer using the Facebook API ( to leave a comment on the "Liked" item), just have a look here.

Slate Wars: 15 Tablets That Could Rival Apple's iPad

Posted by Mr.Editor Wednesday, April 21, 2010 0 comments



The iPad has captured many hearts and minds, but a fleet of rival tablets led by a separatist Android army is about to attack, armed with HD Flash video, multitouch screens, front-facing cameras, multitasking...even Windows 7. Let's take a look.



Há uns tempos que esta mensagem de erro me chateava de cada vez que arrancava o computador. Finalmente dei-me ao trabalho de procurar uma solução:

How to change your drive letter assignments in Windows XP or Vista to fix the "Windows - no disk" etc error message, and how to uninstall your floppy drive

C programming language back at number 1 position!

After more than 4 years C is back at position number 1 in the TIOBE index. The scores for C have been pretty constant through the years, varying between the 15% and 20% market share for almost 10 years. So the main reason for C's number 1 position is not C's uprise, but the decline of its competitor Java. Java has a long-term downward trend. It is losing ground to other languages running on the JVM. An example of such a language is JavaFX script that is now approaching the top 20. (…)


O iPad como mesa digitalizadora

Posted by Mr.Editor Tuesday, April 6, 2010 0 comments

Por Carlos Martins:

image Podem até utilizar o iPad como monitor secundário multitouch, utilizando uma App (ainda um pouco "verde" mas que demonstra as possibilidades que um iPad poderá ter - e considerando o custo de uma mesa digitalizadora com ecrã, abre boas perspectivas para o tipo de uso que se lhe poderá dar.)

Um argumento que (quase) me convence pelo brinquedo. Para ficar mesmo contente, era esta funcionalidade não ter os actuais problemas e meter no iPad USB e um leitor de cartões.

Esta e mais um bom lote de dicas sobre o iPad.
